Vintage Day 17 Sept 2023
We can't wait to welcome you to Wymondham Vintage Day!
WHERE: Throughout Wymondham town centre from Browick Road to Tolls Meadow to Becketswell and the Mid Norfolk Railway
EVENT TIME: 11:00 - 16:00
PARKING: Limited car parking in town so use the park and ride on a heritage bus from East Anglian Motor Auctions, Copper Smith Way NR18 0WY, or the overflow car parking outside Edmundson Electrical on Allenbrook Way NR18 0NW. First heritage bus leaves 10:45 and runs every 15 minutes with a gap for lunch. FREE to ride!
FOOD & DRINK: Available from cafes and pubs in the town including Station Bistro, food stalls and Roots66 American themed diner at the Baptist Church, Wymondham Heritage Museum Tea Rooms and the café at Wymondham Abbey
WEAR: Your best vintage costume of any era
WEATHER: this is an outdoor event please come prepared for sun, rain, heat and cold
DISABLED ACCESS: If you need disabled parking please make yourself known to the marshalls or else contact wymondhamvintageday@gmail.com in advance. There is a disabled toilet in the public toilets at Market Street Car Park
PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEO: please be aware that photos taken by us will be used in future publicity
TAG US We'd love to see your photos, PLEASE tag us on Facebook or share them with us using #WymVintageDay2023
We can’t wait to see you there and join in the fun!
20 Things you must do during Wymondham Vintage Day (all free unless otherwise stated)
Use the park and ride heritage bus run by our friends at the East Anglian Transport Museum from East Anglia Motor Auctions on Copper Smith Way to Avenue Road (free to ride);
Count how many heritage fruit trees you can see at Browick Road Community Orchard;
Be amazed at how hay is made and land can be effectively managed without any machine power – just human energy - at Tolls Meadow;
Imagine yourself as a prisoner in The Bridewell, now hosting Wymondham Heritage Museum (reduced admission charge);
Climb the steps up to the Market Cross and get a wonderful view of Market Street;
Take a seat and listen – or better still, get up and get dancing - to the music sponsored by our friends at Upp on the Market Cross – Wymondham Ukulele Group and Subzero rock-n-roll band with background music from all eras in between provided by Norfolk Sound Aloud;
Join a tour of the town with Ethel Gooch in 1952 – at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00 from Market Cross;
Wander down Market Street and Middleton Street and be tempted by stalls selling vintage clothing, toys, linens, china, household items, local artwork, gardenalia or find out more from one of our community stalls;
Admire the classic vehicles on display throughout the town and remember fun times when you had one just like that! Remember to vote for your favourite too at Town Team HQ by 3pm;
Call in at TWGaze on Market Street – perhaps you have a family heirloom or unusual item handed down through the family you want valuing;
Marvel at the newly restored Becket’s Chapel and join in talks and explorations at 11:30, 14:00 and 15:00 to learn about the incredible history of the building and its occupants;
Head up to Town Green and join in the vintage fun Town Green style – DJ music, vintage bus, mobile bar and BBQ – and the Methodist Church has a traditional harvest festival display to visit too;
Browse the antique stalls in Abbey Hall – who knows what delights and memories you’ll find there. And listen to Jan’s Fairorgan outside – can you see how it works?
Have a tasty bite to eat in one of the town’s many cafes and pubs, the White Hart outdoor pizza stall, Lilwall’s Hogroast or Crepe Verucchia food stalls or grab an ice-cream from Mr Frosty or Ronaldo Ices (Market St Car Park);
Wander in the grounds of Wymondham Abbey and find Bobby Spooner carving wooden spoons (one of Wymondham’s traditional industries) and get hands on with Norfolk Museum Service’s Victorian wash day and Neolithic Britain. You might also come across Granny Plastic with her amazing and thought provoking 100m+ scarf knitted from plastic flotsam and jetsam found on Norfolk beaches. Who knew knitting could be done like this?
Step inside Wymondham Abbey and marvel at this wonderful building. There are hourly tours and 3 tours of the bell tower too (only 92 steps up!). You will also learn about using yarn from Norfolk Spinners and Weavers (another of Wymondham’s traditional industries), book binding techniques by Wendy at Clove Bindery and be amazed by the railway installation set up by TEAMS Meccano;
Take a break and have a picnic along the banks of the River Tiffey where you’ll also find Hope Coffee cart, Mr Frosty ice-cream and children’s activities provided by BeeBops;
Imagine yourself travelling by steam train at the Mid Norfolk Railway. There might not be steam on the day but the ticket office and station gardens and railway memorabilia will help;
Can you spot the live history character actors who will be out and about in the town? How can you tell who they are, doubt they will be using a mobile phone!
Enjoy yourself and discover a part of Wymondham town you didn’t know about – thank you for coming.